Romero LubamboAt her weblog Daniella Thompson pointed to a one-hour radio program featuring music by Pixinguinha from a live performance in New York accessable at Lincoln Center radio. The program is available in streaming audio (RealPlayer required), click here. Featured musicians are Romero Lubambo (guitar), Mauro Senise (flute & soprano saxophone), Paula Robison (flute), Cyro Baptista (percussion), Sergio Brandão (cavaquinho), Nilson Matta (bass), and Duduka da Fonseca (drums). Learn more about Romero Lubambo at his official website , here you will also be able to read a review of the mentioned live performance in the Articles section, scroll down to the article by Larry Blumenfeld, who wrote a review in Jazziz, "A TOWERING SLICE OF RIO".
The actual reason for mentioning the Pixinguinha program is a respons to our latest request on subjects or comments at the Choro-Music blog from Michael Reichenbach, Freiburg, Germany. Michael has a website (in German only) devoted to everything concerning mandolin, Mandoisland, to be reached clicking here. You'll also find links to choro related sources and articles at his weblog to be accessed from the menu ('Mein Weblog'). - Michael requests for Brazilian music programmes from radio stations online and mentions the Pixinguinha program as an example. Below I'll add a couple of links to other streaming audio sources.
The Instituto Moreira Salles has their own radio program featuring music from the huge collection of Brasilian recordings at the institute. The Radio IMS is to be accessed as a part of Rádio UOL, click here. Using the search facility at Rádio UOL you are able to access several other Brazilian music broadcasts online, also devoted to choro as well as individual artists.
If you have Windows Mediaplayer installed at your computer, you have an opportunity to listen to online music at Rádio Cultura AM 1200, to be accessed clicking here
If you like to listen to first rate Brasilian music in cd quality, I recommend a visit at the CANAL FUNARTE
If you have requests, comments or subjects you would like to share, please contact us at