Guitar Works Of Garoto

Towards the end of his career and short life Garoto (Anibal Augusto Sardinha, 1915-55) devoted his talents to composing music for the solo violão in between other works. Luckily, this material as performed by the artist himself has been documented through the private recordings made by Garoto's friend and admirer, Ronoel Simões, finally available on a cd issued 2006 by the German Chanterelle company (CHR 006) containing all of the recordings made between 1950 and 1954. You can read more about the cd here
In 1991 a cd by classical guitarist Paulo Bellinati was issued by the American GSP Recordings containing the guitar works of Garoto (GSP 1002), transcribed and performed by Bellinati in a most convincing production, highly recommended. The cd and the the transcription scores are still available from GSP Recordings and online retailers.
The guitar works of Garoto may be considered semi-classical contributions and have especially appealed to classical trained musicians thanks to the transcriptions in written music made available by Paulo Bellinati. I found some examples at YouTube documenting the fact that Garoto's guitar works are taken good care of and performed with due respect to Bellinati's transcriptions by classical guitarist Denian Arcoleo. Learn more about Denian Arcoleo from his official website, click here
The first example of Denian Arcoleo performing is Garoto's "Tristezas de um Violão", also known as Choro Triste No. 1
The next video features Deinian Arcoleo performing Garoto's "Meditação"
Finally, the last video this time has Denian Arcoleo performing Garoto's waltz "Naqueles Velhos Tempos" - enjoy!