Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Anniversary of Pixinguinha & Choro Day

On the 23rd of April it is 118 years since the birth of Pixinguinha. During the past 15 years this date has been officially celebrated in Brazil as Dia Nacional do Choro in honor of Pixinguinha and his importance for choro and Brazilian music. Here I will follow this tradition and commemorate Pixinguinha's genius by inserting some examples of his music. And why not start with a birthday tune composed by the master and here performed by Jacob do Bandolim - TEU ANIVERSÁRIO

This choro by Pixinguinha is the same tune as RECORDANDO, which Pixinguinha recorded for Odeon in 1934

The peak period of Pixinguinha's long career probably was during his cooperation with Benedito Lacerda in the 1940s. Fact is that many of the classic choros by Pixinguinha/Lacerda from this period are still performed today, a.o. INGêNUO

In a TV show from 1997 Época de Ouro performed INGêNUO a.o. featuring Ronaldo do Bandolim playing the melody

1997 was the centennial of Pixinguinha's birth that was celebrated all over Brazil in various events. A TV transmited concert from one of these celebrations has been uploaded in a complete version at YouTube and is inserted here to mark the anniversary of Pixinguinha and Choro Day - sit back and enjoy the show
