Thursday, August 13, 2015

46 Years Without Jacob

Today it has been 46 years since Jacob do Bandolim (1918 - 1969) passed away following a heart attack. The choro community lost one of its greatest contributors - both as a musician, composer, researcher and tireless spokesman in favor of choro. The importance of Jacob do Bandolim's contributions to choro and this genuine Brazilian music tradition is at the same level as Pixinguinha's, fortunately his musical legacy has been kept well alive by countless followers among musicians in and outside Brazil, and thanks to Jacob's endeavors the bandolim has become a respected member of the standard choro ensemble. In 2002 the Instituto Jacob do Bandolim was established to preserve his work, a website devoted to everything concerning his life and work was launched (- a new design of the site is completed recently, take a look here ), and last year Museu da Imagem e do Som (MIS) initiated a project with the aim of digitizing Jacob do Bandolim's own archive - a website devoted to
this project has also been launched, accessible here 
Here I like to remember the importance of Jacob do Bandolim by inserting some examples of his music below, let's start with a Doce de Coco 

Next follows the inevitable and immortal Noites cariocas, the original version from 1957

Here is the 1961 version of Jacob's Assanhado 

Finally, to end this - here is Jacob's 1962 recording of A ginga do Mané 
