Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Time To Say Goodbye

Hans Koert 
Before Hans Koert (June 1st, 1951 - September 04, 2014) passed away on this date four years ago, I had promised him to keep some of his web domain updated, more precisely the keepitswinging blogspot, the oscar-aleman blogspot, the choromusic blogspot - all three blogs I have had access to as a co-editor and regular contributor of entries from the start of this part of Hans Koert's web activity. I made an agreement with Hans' widow to publish regular updates for four years and now the time has come to say goodbye. However, Hans' work will still be accessible in the version you find at the various sites assosiated with the keepitswinging domain which also applies for the online Oscar Alemán discography.

The Dutch Royal Library has saved a copy of everything accessible at Hans Koert's website and blogs, I'll quote from the message I had earlier this year:

"As part of the initiative of the Royal Library (KB) to save a selection of Dutch websites for future research, we also want to archive your site and keep them for the long term. It is the website and any subdomains that are accessible via the following URL (s): 
http://keepitswinging.blogspot.nl/ http://keepswinging.blogspot.nl/ 

As a national library, the KB is legally responsible for collecting, describing and storing in the Netherlands publications, electronic or not. The KB sees it as its task to keep websites durable and kept consulted for future generations and to preserve them for loss including technological obsolescence. (-) Therefore archive the KB websites which collections are representative of the Dutch culture, history and society on the Internet. (-) Your website will be archived and stored for this purpose durable. (-) The archive versions are to consult within our own building. They will also be made available to the general public via the KB website as soon as legally possible." 

For further information regarding the KB web archiving, please contact: 

Peter Bode, Web archiving KB 
PO Box 90407, 2509 LK Den Haag 

I thank readers and visitors of Hans Koert's webdomain for your support and I also thank Hans Koert's widow, Corrie Koert, and his brother Peter Koert for the opportunity to continue part of Hans' webactivity publishing new entries to keep the above mentioned blogs updated. Also a great thank you to friends and followers who have contributed with material and information published at the blogs I have had access to.

Update April 2019

The exclusion of the name of 'Hans Koert' as editor of the blog in the sidemenu is not a deliberate choice by the present editor (Jo), but is a result of the change of policy by Blogger and Google. From April 2019 the Google+ accounts and profiles have been disabled, Hans Koert's editorial account was attributed a Google+ account and this means that his name no longer is visible in the sidemenu as editor of the blog. I have tried to fix the problem, but Blogger unfortunately denies to change 'unknown' into the name of 'Hans Koert'

Update February 2020

Unexpectedly the Google account used by Hans Koert as his administrator access to the uploaded weblogs containing material from his private collection of photos and illustrations a.o. has been deleted by accident. This means that photos, illustrations and videos uploaded by Hans are no longer accessible at this and other blogs. Moreover, some blogs which only Hans have had administrator rights to handle are also no longer accessible. However, readers and visitors of the sites and blogs uploaded by Hans have an opportunity to use the Wayback Machine (WM) facility to get access to material not visible/accessible using the normal procedure. Below I'll insert links to the latest saved version of material at WM.

The original Keep Swinging blog is accessible from Wayback Machine by using this link
The Keep(it)Swinging weblog at Wayback Machine is accessible here
The Oscar Alemán blogspot at Wayback Machine is accessible here 
The Choro Music blogspot at Wayback Machine is accessible here 
The Hit of the Week blogspot at Wayback Machine is accessible here
The Flexible Records blogspot at Wayback Machine is accessible here
The Keepitswinging Jazzlinks blogspot at Wayback Machine is accessible here
The Slik op de Weg blogspot in Dutch only is accessible at Wayback Machine here

I cannot guarantee that all internal as well as external links will work in the pages listed at WM, but this is the only available option that I can present as the current editor-in-charge. I hope this helps some of the problem of missing photos and blogs on Hans' uploaded pages.

Update October 2024

It is with a heavy heart and heartfelt annoyance that I have to inform readers and followers of Hans Koert's extensive online work that another external web host has stopped with online service and thus has cut off readers and followers from yet another part of HK's online work. This time it is HK's online Oscar Alemán discography that is no longer available. I haven't received messages from anyone about this, but discovered it this week end, ironically a couple of days before the 44th anniversary of Oscar Aleman's death, October 14 1980.

Unfortunately, I must note that the result of a comprehensive project, involving years of research and common interest as well as a good deal of passion is no longer available in HK's carefully prepared online OA discography.

Serious users of HK's discography are pointed to Andrés 'Tito' Liber's updated Spanish version of an Oscar Alemán discography that has common data with most of HK's online version. It is available by following this link 

Another useful solution for research of Oscar Alemán's discography and musical output is Jan Evensmo's extensive Solography dedicated to Alemán's recordings. A pdf of the latest and last update can be downloaded here

This update is the last post from me as acting editor of Hans Koert's online activity since September 2014.

If you have comments or questions, please contact me at jrgnlarsen5@gmail.com

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Hamilton de Holanda - Jacob Black & Jacob Baby

Hamilton de Holanda - Jacob Black (Deck Disc, 2018)
Hamilton de Holanda concludes his great homage to Jacob do Bandolim with the release of the last two sets in the production of four different approaches to carefully selected parts of Jacob's musical legacy. The third part is entitled Jacob Black and according to the accessible info at the website of Deck Discwhich has issued the recordings in digital format, the focus on Jacob Black is compositions revealing affinity with the Afro-Brazilian musical universe. Hamilton is accompanied by Rafael dos Anjos (violão) and percussion by Tiago da Serrinha and Luiz Augusto. The set contains twelve tracks of both well known and lesser known compotitions by Jacob do Bandolim and Hamilton contributes with his own composition titled Jacob Black. Below I'll insert a couple of the tracks that have been uploaded at YouTube. - Here is first Hamilton de Holanda's interpretation of Jacob's A Ginga do Mané 

Next is Hamilton's version of Jacob's Um Bandolim na Escola 

Finally, Hamilton's own Jacob Black concludes the set with the same title

Hamilton de Holanda - Jacob Baby (Deck Disc, 2018)
The last set in Hamilton de Holanda's four-part homage to Jacob do Bandolim's musical legacy is entitled Jacob Baby and has focus on tunes which are suitable for young children. Hamilton plays Jacob's unique 10 string bandolim and accompanies himself (overdub) on cavaquinho and bouzouki creating the calm pacing and mood of a music box as pointed out at the website of Deck Disc. Below some examples from the the twelfth recordings at the set. - Here is first a slowed down and calm interpretation of Jacob's Doce de Coco 

Next, here is Hamilton's version of Jacob's O Voo da Mosca 

Jacob's Assanhado, which is featured in different versions in all four sets, concludes this small review of Hamilton de Holanda's homage to Jacob do Bandolim at Jacob Baby

The Deck Disc label plans to release a 4 cd-box in September featuring the four sets by Hamilton de Holanda. All twelve tracks of Jacob Black have been uploaded by Deck Disc at You Tube, here, and the music is available for purchase in mp3 format here. Also the Jacob Baby set has been uploaded in full length at YouTube by Deck Disc, hereand the music is available for purchase in mp3 format, here

Monday, August 13, 2018

Hamilton de Holanda Trio Mondo - Jacob Bossa

Jacob do Bandolim (14.02.1918 - 13.08.1969)
Today it has been 49 years since Jacob do Bandolim passed away from a fatal heart attack, a good reason to commemorate his importance and influence on Brazilian popular music and especially choro. Further,this year is the Centennial of Jacob's birth and several events celebrating this have already been settled including new renditions of his music. Among new recordings of Jacob's musical legacy, the poject initiated by Hamilton de Holanda stands out as a notable release of an updated and magnificent reinterpretation of both well known and lesser known works by the master. The project has been scheduled to include four sets released by the Brazilian label Deck Disc that released the first set in April as a digital download version also available in the vinil format  (- a review of this is available in the previous blog entry). Now the second set has just been released and the remaining two sets will be released later this month in the same way - all recordings will also be released as a box set later this autumn. Below a small presentation of the just released second set entitled Jacob Bossa (- more info here)
Hamilton de Hollanda Trio Mundo - Jacob Bossa (Deck Disc, 2018)
Hamilton plays the 10 string bandolim and is accompanied by Marcelo Caldi (piano and accordion) and Guto Wirtti (double bass), a couple of tracks have contribution by unknown trumpet or flugelhorn and the vocalist on Jamais by Luis Bittencourt  is also unidentified. The set includes twelve tracks and the arrangements of the music are marvellous reinterpretations of mostly well known titles from Jacob's recorded legacy like Gostosinho, Migalhas de Amor, Vibrações, Receita de Samba, Diabinho Maluco a.o.. The title of the set, Jacob Bossa has a double meaning both pointing at the influence of bossa nova (- which literally means 'new wave' in Portuguese) and the word 'bossa' further draws on "... an old-fashioned slang for something that is done with particular charm, natural flair or innate ability" (info from wikipedia, here). According to some Brazilian reviews, the influence from bossa nova is recognisable in the accompaniement by Marcelo Caldi, who contributes great playing on both piano and accordion supporting Hamilton's bandolim and also has solo spots displaying modern conception of harmony and improvisation.
Marcelo Caldi (photo by Fernando Gasparini Studio)
The double bass contribution by Guto Wirtti is indeed also worth mentioning, his playing puts a solid rhythmic background for the performance by the soloists throughout.
Guto Wirtti (photo by Ken Eisner)
Deck Disc has uploaded some of the tracks from the set at You Tube, below I'll insert some of these audio videos to give you an impression of the music played by Hamilton de Holanda's Trio Mondo. A digital download of the set in mp3 format is available for purchase here. - The first track of the set is Jacob's Gostosinho, here reinterpretated in an updated and contemporary version by the trio

Next, here is the trio's version of Jacob's Migalhas de Amor

Jacob's recipe of a samba is also given a new interpretation by Hamilton's Trio Mondo

Finally, to end this small presentation, here is the trio's version of Avena de Castro's homage to Jacob do Bandolim, Evocação de Jacob


Friday, May 04, 2018

Hamilton de Holanda Trio - Jacob 10ZZ

Hamilton de Holanda Trio - Jacob 10ZZ (Deckdisc, 2018)
Readers of this blog will already know that Brazil this year celebrates the Centennial of Jacob do Bandolim. Some official events have already been settled and more will follow during 2018 paying homage to the musical legacy of Jacob do Bandolim. Among other musicians, who lead the legacy of Jacob further, is Hamilton de Holanda, who has just released a set of 12 recordings celebrating the music of Jacob do Bandolim issued by the Brazilian Deckdisc label as digital download and in the vinil LP format only (- more info, here)
Hamilton de Holanda (photo by Gustavo Marra)
Hamilton is accompanied by Guto Wirtti (acoustic bass) and Thiago da Serrinha (percussion), and the title of the disc refers to the 10 string bandolim used by Hamilton as well as the word jazz. Hamilton explains further in the notes published at his blog, quote "I looked for a title with few letters and a direct sound that could give meaning to the conception of this work. It's Jacob's choro with a hint of jazz. Not necessarily all tracks are of this genre, but they have this way of playing, which uses a lot of improvisation and solos created at the time of recording. The name summed up the spirit of the album well"  - The disc has 12 tracks, ten of them featuring compositions by Jacob do Bandolim and the remaining two are a composition by Jacob's son, Sérgio Bittencourt, who wrote the tune titled Naquela Mesa following Jacob's death in 1969, and Hamilton's own Serenata Jacarepaguá composed in studio during recording of the disc, a homage to the location in Rio da Janeiro where Jacob lived and opened his house for the famous choro meetings which helped this music to evolve and survive during a difficult time in Brazil. The twelve recordings have all been uploaded by Deckdisc at YouTube in the audiovideo format, below I'll insert some examples to give you an impression of this great project production, which will be followed by more later this year. Hamilton uses Jacob's unique 10 strings bandolim in all tracks, it's the first time this instrument has been recorded.
Hamilton with Jacob's 10 strings bandolim (photo by revistadachoro.com)
The recorded repertoire of tunes by Jaob do Bandolim comprises both well known compositions like Remelexo, Alvorada, Assanhado, Mágoas, a.o. and lesser known tunes, even some of which Jacob did not record himself (Saracoteando). Here is first Hamilton de Holanda trio performing Alvorada

Next is a rendition of Jacob's Assanhado, a samba attributed the term choro-jazz by many critics. Hamilton convincingly demonstrates inspiration from modern jazz improvisation in this recording of the tune

Another up-tempo composition by Jacob do Bandolim is Bole-Bole, a samba-choro first recorded on a 78 rpm by Jacob in 1951. Here is the version recorded by Hamilton de Holanda trio

As mentioned above the twelve recordings by the Hamilton de Holanda trio are the first in a series of recordings featuring the music of Jacob do Bandolim in a contemporary interpretation by one of Brazil's greatest bandolim players. You have the opportunity to listen to all tracks at YouTube, here - or at streaming audio services like Spotify a.o. - the vinil version has not yet been released outside Brazil, I think. - To end this small presentation of the project, here is Hamilton's Serenata Jacarepaguá

This blog entry was also published at the keep(it)swinging.blog, here 

Monday, April 23, 2018

Choro Day

Pixinguinha (April 23, 1897 - February 17, 1973)
Today it's Choro Day. Since the year 2000 the 23th of April has been the official Choro Day in Brazil - the specific date chosen to commemorate and honor the birthday of Pixinguinha (Alfredo da Rocha Viana Filho). - Here we will celebrate the day and Pixinguinha while listening to some of his music. - Let's start with a great interpretation of the choro Teu Aniversário as played by Hercules Gomes in a solo piano rendition

One of Pixinguinha's famous choros recorded in collaboration with flutist Benedito Lacerda in the 1940s is Ingênuo - Pixinguinha contributes the 'second voice' on tenor sax while Lacerda has the lead voice

Lamentos is another famous choro by Pixinguinha, here interpretated by Jacob do Bandolim - Pixinguinha's great friend and follower

A celebration of Pixinguinha and Choro would be incomplete without Um a zero - here interpretated by the master and Lacerda in the same setting as above

Pixinguinha's influence on Choro and other musicians is kept well alive in Brazil, here's an example to end this - the choro ensemble named Rabo de Gato featuring Proveta on clarinet celebrates Pixinguinha in a live performance of Toquinho & Vinicius de Moraes' Chorando para Pixinguinha


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Jacob do Bandolim Centennial

Jacob do Bandolim (14-02 1918 - 13-08 1969)
Today is the date of the Jacob do Bandolim Centennial, the event will be celebrated by musicians, fans and media both in Brazil and other countries to honor one of the true icons of Brazilian music. Here at the choromusic blogspot I'll contribute to this event with some examples from Jacob's recorded legacy which are available from You Tube. I encourage readers to commemorate the importance of Jacob do Bandolim's musical heritage and find more examples at You Tube or from other available sources.
Jacob and his bandolim
Jacob do Bandolim had his recording debut in 1947 at Continental that issued eight sides on four 78 rpm discs recorded 1947 - 1949. The first recorded session was made in October 1947 and featured Jacob's choro titled Treme-Treme as the A-side of the issued disc. The audio has been uploaded at You Tube and is inserted below

In November 1948 Jacob recorded his choro Remelexo and the waltz Feia for Continental, the first mentioned is inserted below from You Tube

In 1949, Jacob changed to RCA Victor and in July 1950 he recorded his choro Simplicidade for this label, inserted below from You Tube

One of the tunes which forever will be associated with Jacob do Bandolim and his imprint on Brazilian music and culture is of course Noites Cariocas recorded for RCA Victor and first issued on a 78 rpm May 1957

LP front: Vibrações, RCA Camden (Oct. 1967)
Jacob continued to record for RCA Victor throughout his career and his greatest success was the issue of the album Vibrações released in October 1967 featuring Jacob and his conjunto Época de Ouro. From this great album I'll insert the audio of two titles uploaded at You Tube, first Receita de Samba

Finally, to end this small contribution, the title track of the album - the immortal choro, Vibrações


Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year 2018

I wish readers of the choromusic blogspot a Happy New Year 2018 and thank you for your interest and support in 2017. The blog and related under the keepitswinging.domain will be discontinued in 2018 due to personal matters.  However, a fixed date according this step has not yet been scheduled, I'll announce more precisely later. Till then, keep coming back to keep updated.Thank you for your understanding.