Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Time To Say Goodbye

Hans Koert 
Before Hans Koert (June 1st, 1951 - September 04, 2014) passed away on this date four years ago, I had promised him to keep some of his web domain updated, more precisely the keepitswinging blogspot, the oscar-aleman blogspot, the choromusic blogspot - all three blogs I have had access to as a co-editor and regular contributor of entries from the start of this part of Hans Koert's web activity. I made an agreement with Hans' widow to publish regular updates for four years and now the time has come to say goodbye. However, Hans' work will still be accessible in the version you find at the various sites assosiated with the keepitswinging domain which also applies for the online Oscar Alemán discography.

The Dutch Royal Library has saved a copy of everything accessible at Hans Koert's website and blogs, I'll quote from the message I had earlier this year:

"As part of the initiative of the Royal Library (KB) to save a selection of Dutch websites for future research, we also want to archive your site and keep them for the long term. It is the website and any subdomains that are accessible via the following URL (s): 
http://keepitswinging.blogspot.nl/ http://keepswinging.blogspot.nl/ 

As a national library, the KB is legally responsible for collecting, describing and storing in the Netherlands publications, electronic or not. The KB sees it as its task to keep websites durable and kept consulted for future generations and to preserve them for loss including technological obsolescence. (-) Therefore archive the KB websites which collections are representative of the Dutch culture, history and society on the Internet. (-) Your website will be archived and stored for this purpose durable. (-) The archive versions are to consult within our own building. They will also be made available to the general public via the KB website as soon as legally possible." 

For further information regarding the KB web archiving, please contact: 

Peter Bode, Web archiving KB 
PO Box 90407, 2509 LK Den Haag 

I thank readers and visitors of Hans Koert's webdomain for your support and I also thank Hans Koert's widow, Corrie Koert, and his brother Peter Koert for the opportunity to continue part of Hans' webactivity publishing new entries to keep the above mentioned blogs updated. Also a great thank you to friends and followers who have contributed with material and information published at the blogs I have had access to.

Update April 2019

The exclusion of the name of 'Hans Koert' as editor of the blog in the sidemenu is not a deliberate choice by the present editor (Jo), but is a result of the change of policy by Blogger and Google. From April 2019 the Google+ accounts and profiles have been disabled, Hans Koert's editorial account was attributed a Google+ account and this means that his name no longer is visible in the sidemenu as editor of the blog. I have tried to fix the problem, but Blogger unfortunately denies to change 'unknown' into the name of 'Hans Koert'

Update February 2020

Unexpectedly the Google account used by Hans Koert as his administrator access to the uploaded weblogs containing material from his private collection of photos and illustrations a.o. has been deleted by accident. This means that photos, illustrations and videos uploaded by Hans are no longer accessible at this and other blogs. Moreover, some blogs which only Hans have had administrator rights to handle are also no longer accessible. However, readers and visitors of the sites and blogs uploaded by Hans have an opportunity to use the Wayback Machine (WM) facility to get access to material not visible/accessible using the normal procedure. Below I'll insert links to the latest saved version of material at WM.

The original Keep Swinging blog is accessible from Wayback Machine by using this link
The Keep(it)Swinging weblog at Wayback Machine is accessible here
The Oscar Alemán blogspot at Wayback Machine is accessible here 
The Choro Music blogspot at Wayback Machine is accessible here 
The Hit of the Week blogspot at Wayback Machine is accessible here
The Flexible Records blogspot at Wayback Machine is accessible here
The Keepitswinging Jazzlinks blogspot at Wayback Machine is accessible here
The Slik op de Weg blogspot in Dutch only is accessible at Wayback Machine here

I cannot guarantee that all internal as well as external links will work in the pages listed at WM, but this is the only available option that I can present as the current editor-in-charge. I hope this helps some of the problem of missing photos and blogs on Hans' uploaded pages.

Update October 2024

It is with a heavy heart and heartfelt annoyance that I have to inform readers and followers of Hans Koert's extensive online work that another external web host has stopped with online service and thus has cut off readers and followers from yet another part of HK's online work. This time it is HK's online Oscar Alemán discography that is no longer available. I haven't received messages from anyone about this, but discovered it this week end, ironically a couple of days before the 44th anniversary of Oscar Aleman's death, October 14 1980.

Unfortunately, I must note that the result of a comprehensive project, involving years of research and common interest as well as a good deal of passion is no longer available in HK's carefully prepared online OA discography. However, a saved copy of HKs last updated OA discography is luckily available at the Wayback facility here

Serious users of HK's discography are pointed to Andrés 'Tito' Liber's updated Spanish version of an Oscar Alemán discography that has common data with most of HK's online version. It is available by following this link 

Another useful solution for research of Oscar Alemán's discography and musical output is Jan Evensmo's extensive Solography dedicated to Alemán's recordings. A pdf of the latest and last update can be downloaded here

This update is the last post from me as acting editor of Hans Koert's online activity since September 2014.

If you have comments or questions, please contact me at jrgnlarsen5@gmail.com