Fábio Zanon - O Violão Brasileiro

If you are interested in the Brazilian guitar tradition and do not know where to start, I'll recomend a visit at the blogspot of classical guitarist Fábio Zanon, to be reached clicking here
Fábio Zanon is a highly esteemed classical trained guitarist of the contemporary Brazilian music scene. Recently Mr. Zanon has produced and hosted a series of radio programs at Rádio Cultura de São Paulo devoted to the Brazilian guitar tradition, 'O Violão Brasileiro - Nossos Pioneiros, Criadores e Intérpretes'. These programs of one hour each are now free to download from Fábio Zanon's blog in mp3, up till now the list has reached more than 40 produced programs. The spoken info is in Portuguese, of course, but each program has 3/4 of the time devoted to samples of music by the portrayed artist/composer, so these programs are definitely essential, even if you are unfamiliar with the Portuguese language. From the list I can mention features on João Pernambuco, Américo Jacomino 'Canhoto', Dilermando Reis, Laurindo Almeida, Turíbio Santos, Maurício Carrilho a.o. - all well researched portraits of the mentioned and moreover containing recorded music that may be hard to find elsewhere. Tracklist for each program to be found at Fábio Zanon's blog.
Learn more about Fábio Zanon from his web (-in Portuguese only), to be reached clicking here
A career profile in English on Fábio Zanon is available here
I found a video on YouTube featuring Fábio Zanon in a solo performance
Thanks Jo for sharing this great film. I'm going to visit the site with the MP3 files later.
Keep swinging
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