Gafieira Jazz - Paulo Moura & Cliff Korman

This time just a short notice to inform briefly about a new cd by Paulo Moura & Cliff Korman, "Gafiera Jazz" (Rob Digital, RD 100). This cd is a compilation of tracks from a couple of previously released cds covering the partnership and cooperation between Paulo Moura and Cliff Korman, "Mood Ingenuo" (1999) and "Gafieira Dance Brasil" (2001). If you are unfamiliar with the Brazilian Gafieira (Ballroom) tradition and the music beeing played today, then the mentioned cds are a proper choice of source. Futhermore, the term Gafieira Jazz reflects the vision of Cliff Korman and Paulo Moura to connect Brazilian music with Jazz in a way that respects the originality of both traditions. You may learn more about Cliff Korman's vision about the interaction between these two cultures from his web, to be reached clicking here
You may have an opportunity to listen to the music recorded at the "Gafieira Jazz", if you pay a visit to Paulo Moura's official web.
All tracks from "Mood Ingenuo" and "Gafieira Dance Brasil" are available at full length, click on the Discography menu and follow the links.
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