Guitar Choro Revisited!

Since then I have still been listening to guitar choro performers from Brazil, the list is too long to add here. If you are interested in the Brazilian tradition of the violão, choro is an indispensable part of this tradition. Investigating this tradition in details is some task for a non-Brazilian, I recommend a visit at Fábio Zanon's blog devoted to his radio programs at Radio Cultura de São Paulo on the subject 'O Violão Brasileiro' .
YouTube is a great resource to finding examples of choro performances, also if you keep focus on the violão. Below I'll add three video fragments of solo violão playing choro by the accomplished Ovidiov, who has uploaded several video performances at YouTube.
The first video features Ovidiov playing a guitar choro by João Pernambuco, "Dengoso"
The next video is a performace by Ovidiov playing 'Xodó da Baiana', by Dilermando Reis
The last video this time features Ovidiov playing 'Tempo de Criança', by Dilermando Reis
Thank you Ovidiov for your wonderful playing and for keeping the guitar choro tradition well alive!
Thanks Jo for sharing these fragments
Keep swinging
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