Época de Ouro

In the early 1960'ies Jacob do Bandolim teamed with an ensemble of experienced choro musicians including Dino Sete Cordas, César Faria, Carlinhos, Jonas and Jorginho. This ensemble was later to be named Época de Ouro and is deservedly famed in Brazil - not only as do Bandolim's backing group but also as having a leading role in the choro revival of 1970'ies and later. Época de Ouro disbanded after Jacob do Bandolim's passing in 1969, but reunited under the leadership of César Faria in 1973 and survived a rotating membership since.
Soundclips from the shown cd by Época de Ouro including a small review available at AMG by clicking here or on picture.
More soundclips from recordings by Época de Ouro available at AllBrazilianMusic
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