Strange Habits!

While on our holidays in The Netherlands, my friend Hans demonstrated one of his region's habits, eating a raw herring with onions at a streetcorner just like that (see picture). I don´t know, if this kind of delicatesse is a daily habit with the locals, but I sucpect Hans was clearing his voice in advance to get ready for some yodel practice. As you probably already have learned, Hans and his wife Corrie went to a part of Germany for a holidy on the walk a week after the photo above was shot. I bet it's a pretty must to master the art of yodeling walking the lonesome hills and dales of a German province, perhaps without being forced to use 'lederhosen' (short leather pants) and nailed boots - another strange habit.
I have also been exhibiting some strange habits at this blog during the last week, having spotted some of my musical interests, which only from a Spinoza's 'sub species aeterne'-point-of-view may be considered related with choro or choro-related music. I apologize for my strange habits to the visitors of this blog mainly interested in info on the Brazilian choro tradition. My next move shall therefore be to return to postings that keep to the subject of the choro blog spot. There is a hope for a new posting concerning this tomorrow.
Anyway, thanks for your visit and patience, if you have enjoyed reading the previous postings just half as much as I have enjoyed keeping Hans' daily keepswinging-blogspot running during the past week at this spot.
I feel pity for the fish .....
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